Eurex Core
Market data from the leading global derivatives exchange
Key Information Product characteristics
Core Information Product
The Information Product Eurex contains netted pre-trade Information (i.e. bids and offers are provided at specified time intervals) and un-netted trade Information
Eurex Core provides the best bid and ask prices (up to order book depth 15) as well as the last traded price, together with the underlying order volumes
Data details
Fixed income derivatives: e.g. Euro Bund futures, Euro Bobl futures
Equity derivatives: equity options and single stock futures based on European and US underlyings
Equity index derivatives: futures and options on liquid global, European and national indices such as the EURO STOXX 50®, DAX®, SMI® or MSCI Japan
Exchange traded funds derivatives: futures and options on the most successful ETFs based on indices such as the DAX, SMI, EURO STOXX 50 and the STOXX 600
KOSPI 200 options
Dividend derivatives: equity dividend futures and equity index dividend futures (such as futures on index dividend on the Euro STOXX 50)
Commodity derivatives: futures and options on gold and silver
Volatility index derivatives: VSTOXX Mini futures and options
Property derivatives: futures on the IPD UK Annual Property Index
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